Hi ya'all . Thanks so much for your input . I have been trying to exhaust all natural type remidies and coventional lab testing of my blood . So far I am the healthiest sick person I know ,lol... I...
Hey Duck . I am glad to hear that you have found some relief from enbrel. My rhumy wanted me to start with metheltrexate first because of insurance reasons and it killed me , so I have not tryed it...
G'day to you , Duck and Ca Mama. I have been cautious as far and the meds I take and have taken . I take naproxen maybe 1 every 10days . I have been doing that for over 15 years and so far the tummy...
Recently I was diagnosied with AS . It took 15 years and many docters and a lot of pain . I am reluctant to try emberal . I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion. Mike...
Wow! this site is very interesting . I just found it today . It took me 15 years to find out that I have AS . There has been many days that I would wonder if anyone else is suffering like I am, and...