Yalinda, check out www.bizzemlak.com the one called '' ersel aldemir'' is me. see u....
Hi Yalinda, the weather is rainy snowy in istanbul. i am snow man.. i love cold weather. the scenery of canadian north is my favorite place. i have seen movie jermy johansob actorred by robert...
Melinda, u know i was alone out there till i see HW . and the yahoo group on ankle fusion. that totaly changed my thoughts of fusion. yes, i will survive after the fusion. do see things that will not...
Thank you Erin, Ducky, you are very nice friends responsed immeaditely. let me tell you that my right ankle has limited mobility. some bones touch each other and it hurts.i use minoset which is a...
dear members, i am new on HW.let me introduce myself: i am 36 yo male.and i have got traumatic ankel that in an car accident when i was 3 yo. i am social, play tennis. now a days i have got pain in...