Thanks Ducky. I am going to The Arthritis Center in Waterbury CT. The Doctor i am going to see Dr. Peck. He has written many books. I emailed him with all my problems and he wants to see me. Hope he...
Hi Ducky, I am going to try and take acidophilus. Anything is better that getting UTI's. My list keeps getting longer. I just might buy stock in CVS. I have terrible indigestion from the prednisone...
Ducky, forgot to add to more diagnoses. 1. Hashimottos 2. UTI infections Do you find the acidophilus helps and how much do you take? My rheumy doesnt understand the connection to UTI infections. I...
Hi ducky, Went back to my rheumy today with a reaction to the high dose of prednisone she has me on. It is to much and is making my heart race. She decreased it and checked my sed rate and c-reactive...
Hi everyone, today was a much better day. Made it all day at work. Hope tomorrow is the same. thanks for all the info. Nancy /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ...
Evesasser thanks for all the info. i plan on getting a second opinion. I am not happy with my Rheumy right now. Starting taking the prednisone yesterday. OctoberSun...
Hi Moto3, My rhuemy just gave me a script for high dose prednosone and Methotrexate. i am so afraid to take them right now. This has gone on for years and nothing seems to work. I think we are...
Hi everyone, had a rough weekend with a fever for 3 days. Started sulfasalizine last week and I started getting a rash and than the fever started and a really bad headache. Had a shot of prednosone...
Duck, Spondylitis has been mentioned. I am going to get all me medical info together and get a referral to the Arthritis Clinic in Waterbury CT. DR. Peck has written many books about arthritis and is...
Iris, You have all the same areas that I have that seem to flare up. It has now gone to my spine and on thursday my rheumy gave me a shot of prednosone in the arm. My swelling in my wrist and ankles...
Hi Duck, I have been seeing a Rheumy since 2004 when I had the Parvo B19 virus. It is a childhood disease that is called fifths. I never had it and was exposed to it from the kids at school. That is...
Thanks, nschroeder10...