Susie, Thx for your response. No one, not even my PCP, told me that a severe OA flare was possible. I’m pretty sure now that that was the problem. Best, Pleyel...
In Sept. last (2018), I had what I can only describe as a “flare” of the OA in my hands. My fingers got stiff, my hands ached like crazy, and I felt as if I could do nothing for myself- not cook, not...
Dee, Sorry to write yet again. But why do all the testing when there are NO MEDs that address the probs? I have access to drs and meds. The ranitidine helps some. The newly found Gaviscon Advance...
Dee, (That’s my middle name). I have had gastroparesis and tried domperidone (from Israel) but won’t try generic for Reglan bec of potential side effects. Also took erythromycin for it. And, yes,...
Sorry, I meant RD biomed. Yes, your symptoms sound identical. The dental work alone these last 3 yrs has cost 1000’s and that’s with some dental insurance. PCP just tells me to gargle...
Thx, Midnight Blues. I’ll check out Bio Med. Had to have Toupet bec I had a huge hiatal hernia w/ stomach going into chest, and horrible esophogeal spasms. The Toupet partially closed the hiatal...
Also, have chronic GI cough, asthma, and the absolute worst, all the mucus and goo coming up my esoph. Go thru at least a box of Kleenex a day. Anyone else have these symptoms? A means of alleviating...
Had Toupet 3 yrs ago for huge hiatal hernia (still not closed). After TF, LPR got much worse. Have a good GI dr. who dx’d me bef TF as having NERD. Today, for first time, on this board, I found NERD...