Hi, I am about to have a lip biopsy done since my Neurologist suspects Sjogren's based on the fact that I have been diagnosed with UCTD with ANA positive 1:160 but SSA and SSB negative, and I have...
Hi everyone, I know this is an old thread, but my neurologist just ordered a lip biopsy to test for Sjogren's. I'm 27 and I was diagnosed with a UCTD in 2008, positive ANA but other subserologies...
Ginny-- I also get dizziness and I have UCTD and small fiber neuropathy (due to autonomic nerve damage due to the AI CTD). I work in a neurological office and we have OTs that work solely with...
hello Southpaw-- Thanks for your encouragement about medical school. For the past 3 years I had thought a lot about becoming a doctor but I didn't know how to go about it since I already had a BA...
Dear BB, I know that it really doesn't matter from a treatment perspective which CTD you have, but I guess the reason I feel so restless about the UCTD diagnosis is that I can't really tell people...
Dear Bill, Thanks for all the informative links. I read through them today. I had read the UCTD link a few months ago, but it was helpful to read it again for the small details. I am vitamin D...
Dear Robin, I appreciate your message. Its nice to know I'm not the only one out there with UCTD. I guess we are lucky that we are on the less severe side of the CTD patients. I will take your...
Hi Bill, Thanks for writing back. I am so glad I decided to join this group. I have read a few forum pages over the past few months to try to figure out my own Dx but I was reluctant to join cause as...
Hi Pat, Thanks so much for writing back to me. Sometimes I just feel so alone and I want to cry cause no one understands how I feel and what my disease is. It is so frustrating to have a UCTD...
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am 26 and I was diagnosed with UCTD in April and small fiber peripheral neuropathy. I am taking Plaquenil 200 mg bid, Gabapentin (Neurontin) 400 mg tid, Ultram...