Hi Butterflake, Thanks for the helpful hints. I drink water all day and night. and I use ACT because Biotene products are too expensive and I wasn't sure if I needed to go for the extra bucks....
bsime Sicca syndrome, affects both the eyes with dry eyes and the mouth with dry mouth. it takes away your tears and your saliva. I have seen different specialists and everyone said sicca affects...
Hi pshocker, I am new to this site too. I was diagnosed with second sicca syndrome which is also known as sjogren's about two months ago. I have been going through terrible dry mouth for over 4...
Lynnwood, I was told they were almost the same but, yet different. Sjogren's effects your organs and second sicca doesn't. Do you know if that is true? d for disgusted...
There is nothing that has worked to bring back my saliva my tongue is coated with a white coating. My tongue is cracked and my lips are so dried and cut up no matter how much I drink they peel. Is...
I was diagnosed in 1998 with ra. In 2011lupus, I was diagnosed with second a two months ago but I have been suffering with dry mouth since August 2013. I am going through hell between losing my...