Hi Everyone. Well, for me, Friday my bestfriend kidnapped me after a very scary and emotional phone conversation. She took me to the Arcade and we played our fav game Dance Dance Revolution (or DDR,...
well the manic ones yes (shamefully i wish they lasted longer). Depressive episodes, not so fast, they last more than a week if I am not able to force a manic episode. Longest depressive episode i...
Hi Serafena, I was actually daignosed in 2004 but I have been struggling with this disease since my early teens. I stopped taking meds in late 2006 cause i wanted to deal with life on my own. I was...
Hi, I just found this site. Thought I'd introduce myself. O.k. I didn't so much find it as, friends and family pushed me to look. (How dare they care right :) ) Anyway I'll be seeing a doctor soon...