Well missflip you must have read my therapists mind :) I just got back from my session and she and I put together a sobriety plan which includes 2-3 AA meetings a week. I still feel very lost and...
Thank you all for being here for me I appreciate the support, thank you especially Olivia for the resources. I'm hoping not to need them but I'm glad that I know where to find help if I do. I have an...
When my world gets crazy and my emotions are out of control and I just can't get out of my own head I tend to turn to alcohol. I know that all of my meds and alcohol do not go together well...I know...
Thank you very much!!...
Thanks little b, it's really nice to feel so welcomed...I'm already feeling like this was one of my better choices lately =)...
Thank you for the official welcome!! I'm actually currently on long term disability from the company that I was working for when I fell off the edge of my mind as I like to call it (Britney...
a year ago. In addition to the bipolar I do have severe depression issues, as well as social anxiety disorder, insomnia, PTSD and panic attacks, and on top of all of that I am also trying to learn...
I can completely relate to you on this one. I can go days without showering...or even brushing my teeth, I've never felt so disgusting in my entire life! I used to be a person who showered at least...