Dear Mike - Hi! I was so moved by your messages that I wanted to write to you to say that I think you are very brave writing down your feelings for all to see. Atleast you are really trying to do...
I am so sorry that you are feeling depressed and worried. I have been there. You know, I have found that worrying, for me, is something I had to learn to quit doing. It can get you to a point of...
Yes, it does feel like a dirty trick. I have always cared about the way I look, before my diagnosis of BiPolar and after. And I still do care. And to me, to give someone a drug that has the...
I also know what I need to do. Get my diet in check, do some walking,.......Hey I wouldn't mind a little weight gain either,.....but now I am at a total of 60 lbs! I used to weigh around...
I have been told that I need to drink more water and I don't always do that. Thanks for the reminder!! I take 300 milig. in the morning and 2 capsules (600 milig. at night). I think I may talk to my...
Thanks! Sometimes i wonder if everyone were didagnosed, they would be bipolar, schizopjr., depressed, etc. So, I really need all this meds. But I listen to my dr. and go on. I do it for my...
Wow! Thanks for all the info. I have cut out caffiene. I'm eating more vegetables, too. I'm not a chocolate person, thank God! I rarely eat alot of grains, or maybe I am and don't know it. I'll start...
Thanks for the posts and the helpful info. I am going to discuss these with my psych. I am making a great effort to get back to doing that hour of physical working out each day and really trying to...
/community/emoticons/turn.gif Hi! Just joined recently to talk and learn from some of the people at this site. Bipolar has been my diagnosis for the last years. I started out feeling like a guinea...
/community/emoticons/shakehead.gif Hi, I'm Cathey. I was diagnosed bipolar couple of years ago. At one time, I was put into the hospital for some medication adjustment. I was VERY upset about being...
/community/emoticons/redface.gif Sorry I made an error in my post - its 3:50 in the moring. That was 50 lb, weight gain with the lithium. Help! I'm turning into one BIG BLOB!...
I, too, am BP. Taking Lithium. 5- lb. weight gain and growing. No episodes lately but want alternative to lithium as the wieght is not good for my health or heart. Any suggestions any1?...