I hate to sound pessimistic, but it's no accident that they're trying to get rid of you when you're so close to FMLA--lots of companies are notorious for doing this-- Mental Illness is actually a...
Yeah, do a web search--there are lawsuits--I was on it for 6 mos (only 25 mg/day!) and became borderline diabetic...went off it and within 6 mos was back to normal. Would never take that again...but...
I just take a generic vitamin-- medicine shoppe brand--just take any that has folic acid--also MAKE SURE ALL YOUR BEVERAGES ARE DECAF. I drink 3 cups green tea, no prob...if it's decaf. Oh, I also...
i'd worry more about what it does to your triglycerides and blood sugar and increased risk for diabetes--no joke--that stuff is evil...
Yes, I read a great book called The Natural Guide To Bipolar disorder, by Stephanie Mahron (at Borders). She mentions all kinds of natural treatments...I use 2 T liquid lecithin 2X/day, 1 g...
Please help-- I have been living with a man for 7 mos now--only come to realize his history of manic depression. I had no idea that he had been hospitalized over 30 times (including several state...