Hi Lover Spit, I'm sorry you have experienced this and I thank you for the comments. I had my first conselor session today and it did feel good to talk. She asked me some pretty good questions. " if...
Since October she has taken them everyday. It has been a pile of different medications. What she is on now seems to be better for her and last night we had a conversation about texting the other man...
You know what's really hard. Just staying focused on what's important. I love my kids with all my heart, but it is hard for me to stay focused on them and spending that real quality time with them...
In almost same boat. At least my wife left me and got pregnant by another man. I too wander now if I really love her or if its just habbit now or not wanting to fail at marriage. Sad thing is my...
We've done this already. Seperated. She moved in with her mom while she was pregnant until she had an abortion. We both had attorneys and it did sink in she was going to loose kids. But it just...
Well tried being nice today. Just give her a hug, but its like me hugging a tree. Nothing there. You would just think knowing what she did she would at least give me a hug back. I don't know. We talk...
I do support her treatment. I know I don't have to support the hurtful things she does and says, but hard to figure out the right way to react that is best for her recovery. I am always just taking...
She goes to conseling and to the doc regular. But she has this fear that either me or the doctor will try and take the children from her and I think that's what stops her from really putting it all...
Well we have not really spoke in days now. She is mad at me for how I found out. I don't feel good about the fact that I check her phone, but if I didn't I wouldn't know what she was up too. How do...
I have been seeing doctor with her. Mainly the quick changes are a depressiion medicine, which he says he don't like giving her because he doesn't want her to go manic again. After this last...
Thanks for the comments. I do love her deeply and I do want to see her through this, but I'm not sure I want to see her through this as a husband anymore. I'm am going to conselor Wednesday. Maybe...
I to have an addicted wife and bipolar on top of that. Its a tough decision i struggle with all the time too. I have 2 boys with her and they love her so. I have chosen the other route so far and...
My wife was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about 2 years ago. It seems like we have tried every medicine in the book. Her doctor rapidly changes the medicines, sometimes on a weekly basis. I cant...
I left out a few things. This is really taken a toll on me. I'm not being treated for depression. Celexa. Never thought I would need meds. though I would be able to handle my wifes condition through...