I spoke with my counselor about it and he didn't say much about it. I see the psyc in a few days and will explain how I have been feeling. Last night I felt so depressed, today I am angry and...
I was seeing a counselor and my family doctor had me on medications for depression and anxiety. After two months my counselor referred me to a psychiatrist that works in the same building. I went to...
Thank you for sharing that and your right, I need to make changes in my life. The occupation I have is just to stressful and the dailey changes and demands, well I can't physically and mentally...
I have been having anxiety, stress, depression, panic attacks, mood disorders, along with nightmares for the past 12 or more years. I started rheumatoid meds in 2008 and havn't felt the relief from...
Hello. I am new to this forum and could use a little advice. I am am in my 40's and over the past few years my health has really deteriorated to the point I am filing for disability. I am have...
I just read about fibromyalgia tender points, and was wondering what they feel like when pressed. My muscles are sore all over and my girlfriend asks if she can massage my muscles. I prefer she dosnt...
Im writing down all my symptoms along with questions. Going to ask about fibromyalgia and have him give me a straight answer. Going to read fibro 101,actually read a lot of it already. I wish...
My current rheumatologist is at the cleveland clinic. I see him next week and will bring up the fibromyalgia. I seem to be one of the individuals with rheumatoid arthritis that does not get relief...
Thank you, everyone! I am thankful to have found this forum. I do not get a tremendous amount of support from family and friends. Dont get me wrong, they listen but think most of it is in my head.I...
i have had rheumatoid arthritis since 2008 and possibly since 2005. I was in pain in 2005and doctor never checked me for rheumy til 2008. I now see a rheumatologist and have been on simponi, enbrel,...