thanks, VeronicaL. at least i know I'm not imagining it! now I've got the feeling faint thing going but I've been feeling better overall. did you have any associated nausea when you first stated...
:confused: Hi all. i did a search in the forum but can't find the exact side effect I'm experiencing. I'm on 1200mg lithium, 100mcg levothyroxine, 5mg abilify. i recently weaned off of 300mg Seroquel...
i have been wondering the same thing. at this point in my life, I don't have a lot of stress that I'm aware of so i don't really know what to blame the spacey feeling i seen to always have. I'm...
I've been on 1200mg lithium about 5 years. however,i was diagnosed and the docs were helpful. lithium has been the only thing that has worked and didn't give me horrible side effects. i do understand...