What are some of your coping skills happy turtle. I need some better than mine. Willing to share?thank you so much....
I feel like I am out of my mind! I just an restless and angry and can't stop crying please my kids and hubby don't deserve this!!! Any have these feelings on lithium 450_900 mg a day??...
I just completely flipped out in a rage of tears stomach pain and hopelessness. Why do feel so bad! My mouth tastes like metal and I'm super on edge. Is this lithium? I eat with it and again.called...
Thank you all very much,Clovis 47 -I hope that I have the same results.latuda did not help me at all. I'm off all ssri drugs that may be what complicated things. I was having very ridged neck and...
Thank you very much. I was on limictal but they told me it was interfering with my hormone levels... like not working and I was a rollercoaster of crying all the time.I'm stuck in the bed. I also...
First post and desperate need to know if lithium helped them? Major depression Bipolar type 2...
This is my firs post.I have been told I have bipolar2 bc I'm so very depressed and have tried a ton of medicines and I have all the bad side effect xxx some which made me want to kill myself.landed...