hi, i know for myself that in the past when i have run out of meds or there has been a problem with my pharmacy i can call my local hospital where they can supply me with as much medication as i need...
hi kitty sorry to hear that you're having a bad day believe me i know what it feels like. i agree with you on the point about not drinking, today makes day 7, it does tend to just make things worse....
nice poem...
hey kittycat i was 22 when they finally gave me the diagnosis of bpd since then i have had many return trips to the emergency ward as well as stays at the local psychiatric ward. i do have problems...
hi kittycat27 my name is higgay and i have bpd just so you know there are different criteria for bpd then for bipolar if you look in the diagnostic statistic manual4 (commonly referred to as the...
bpd is a personality disorder that is not very common buit can be very disruptive to a persons health and well being making life very difficult. it involves having strong feelings of hopelessness and...
i was wondering if anyone had info on borderline personality disorder (bpd) it's hard to find any resources on line and i was looking to meet new people and share stories of recovery and hope...