Hello lovely bluedragonfly, You my friend have an amazing supportive family. Your soon to be hubby will slowly embrace the kindness from your family. A very exhilatering life you have together. Some...
Welcome everybody, I am looking forward to hearing about you....
Thank you UN, my eyes are filled with soroowful tears and you and others offer kindness and counsel. Believe it or not the people hear give me comfort enough to get through the next few hours. Kind...
Hi Alison, wounderful to hear your hubby is stable and excelling in spite of his illness. I have Bipolar 1 and tapid cycler and no where near your hubbys stability. However, I would support a...
Thank you for your kind replies and your sharing. Tim Tam, I will do my best to answer your questions. Yes, misdiagnosed with depression and PTD, and given counselling and or effexor. Oh yes Manic...
I am recently diagnosed with Bipolar 1, rapid cycler. I am almost 50, and I am ashamed necause of my mental illness. What's left of my astranged family has discarded me as if I were trash. My eighty...
Welcome Bluedragonfly71 & congratulations on your up coming wedding. Your obviously a very caring lady and your heart is invested in your fiance's well being. I have a few questions and I would like...
Evening Tickinit, Tim Tam, contributed great information. A common denominator we seem to share is the frustration of incompetent psychiatrists. Please keep me informed how your doing. Navigating the...
My psychiatrist informed me while I was thankfully hospitalized, he said it takes time and detailed documentation to form an accurate diagnosis. Personally I had six different psychiatrists...
Hi Paliaside, I read your story and you and your family are going through alot of hurt. I empathize and I am sorry for your troubled times and heartache. I was just recently diagnosed Bipolar 1....
Good day UN, I admire you and envious that you work fulltime, go to school parttime and yet struggle with your illnesses. I am a mess, and living in poverty. I have cognotive and learning...
Thank you for the acknowledgement and sharing of your traumatic abuse situation. It exacerbated my bipolar, delayed my development, and plainly posioned my mind. Even with intense therapy, all it...
A big hello UN, from Kiwibear. Your sister and a couple co-workers appear to be a supportive piece for you. Physical diseases like cancer is internationaly accepted and recieves public support...
Thank you for replying UA. I appreciate the welcome from you and "Any Port in a Storm", it gives me comfort. I talk to my eighty year old father who lives thousands of miles away, once a week. He is...
I just delivered a kind smile to you. Your the sweetest bird to hold in my palm, thank you so much. With no judgement you still heard me. My intention was not to overwhelm anyone and you hung in...
KiwiBear Thank you for this site and your written experiences. Each story has moved me to share my story about how bipolar has ravaged, burned and scared every facet of my life. The trauma of sexual...