hi bread, hope you get the help you need. i know how u feel. i guess i have an insiders view here. i would strategically place self help kinda phamplets all over the house. as she disposes of them i...
i gained about 100 lbs on Lithium. i asked to go off it for a number of good reasons but my Doc says NO it is a good drug for you and ALL psych meds put on weight. i am very active now compared to...
hi sensitive numbly, i have been a very bad girl, too, when it comes to keeping appts and sticking with my meds. heck, i would go so far as to say i have had problems sticking period. if i could not...
warren, how can i contact you privately? i work for a busy freelance writing agency and we are hiring. i issue a test and you write it using company guidelines then i mark your test and if...
warren, writing feels good, yes, but it is also a means to an end so can get repetitive like everything else. ah, yes, the fantasy land. let me at it! haha. i have learned to substitue meds and...
warren, i dont find you negative in the least. to me you are real plain and simple and i crave to hook up with real people just like you. doing this for more than 10 years now (likely more like 15...
Thank you Capn! Thanks for the groovy welcome! Look forward to your posts. Denise...
hi guys, my boss is brainbench certified in Internet research and she is teaching me how to be more effective when researching. if anybody here ever needs something to be found by search engine, drop...
Hi counterclockwise, how did you decide upon your username? i hope i have my tagline right. let's see:...
hi guys, good morning! really nice group here. just getting off a board where everyone wanted to one up each other. bunch of jealousy and envy. how i hated that. i just stuck my head up high and...
Judy and Rosie, ya i think about it. hate restarts but i have decided that as much as it takes to reinvent this lady that is what i shall do. i deserve the best and only the very best as we all do....
thank you so much guys for your welcome. i really look forward to this board. i dont usually stick too well with bp boards but i want to. having a bp family would be awesome! thanks Judy and thanks...
warren there is big time hope. for sure. watch my posts. you will see how very transparent i am. you will see me share all my story and experience. i put some off because of being so self-effacing...
hi guys, shout out from Ontario, Canada here:) Denise, 49, single with 17yo son. bipolar 1 since 18 medicated about 10 yrs or so now. had terrible depression and mania all my life, recovering addict....
No i have not heard of that. thanks, will try it. Denise :)...
hello everyone, i just joined. i am Denise, 49 from Oshawa Ontario Canada. i have had IBS for too long to recall exactly. at least 10 years or more. i have id'd what causes me to run and to have...