Yea, I take seraquel, doesn't do much for me but help me sleep.... I take 50mg before bed, I've tried 100mg before bed and the next morning I get sick...Doesn't help with manic episodes for me......
Back to the question.... I always thought that people used alcohol and wasn't aware of being Bi-polar.... I believe my father was bi-polar so he self medicated with alcohol to make himself numb.......
Just to let you know I'm still around.... I started a new job last week that is basically a desk job were I'll be doing alot of research.. I haven't been doing much with pain killers unless I'm at a...
Some days are better then others.... I finally returned to work today from having surgery feb. 9th..... I really think that working truly helps although it sacrafices my body (back) to keep me from...
I've been bipolar all my life just didn't realize what it was until about a year ago..... I failed school, went through alot of good jobs....It's amazing I"m still alive to chat about it......
Sorry guys I'm very manic right now... I find it so much easier to be high from Loratabs (just had surgery a few months ago) the doc presribed me....I'm sure I'm not the only one here that has...
I can't believe I"m a grown man, with a family and as I'm typing this bawling like a little baby.....I hate this shit......
Just glad I found this site...I've been diagnosed as being bipolar about a year ago....I've been on so many drugs that I can't even name them all... I am so sick of being angry, crying, overly...