im having fun plus the guy is nice...
right now im just looking for friends with benfits just sex...
im doing great im happily separated...
i have a pretty good support system...
im staying at my parents house for now dont want to live in a house alone...
today is the day that my husband leaves me...
my husband is giving me another chance he even asked what i want for christmas havent gotten a gift from him in three years to be fair we are both kind of broke...
i am spending tonight thru christmas at my parents house...
thank you for the welcome i live in Arizona we get no snow its been in the 70's in the afternoon that and my husband is leaving me on new years day, i miss snow so much moved from new york when i was...
i noticed ive been more depressed then usual this month...
well he dosent want to work on the marrige,,, i asked when i could move back in he said do what ever you want its not my house...
if it dosent improve i will leave...
I am bipolar so the depression is almost always there I am slowly getting back to being myself again. :)...
he is starting to relise that my biploar disorder dosent go away and i just cant be happy all the time but right now he dosent know what he wants to do or how he feels...
we are trying the marriage one more time and entering marring therapy thing is my parents bought us this beautiful house we need to make this work....
thank you i am actiuly glad its ending i was unhappy...
new medicine and working out helps keep my mind busy...
so I'm getting divorced from my husband he wanted the divorce not me told me i was a burden and he found someone else he was verbally and emotionally abusive so I'm happy to see my marriage end but...