Amazing how the imagination can get away from you (me!). Thank God my 2nd mammo turned out fine! They said more than likely my symptoms/CT findings along with the 1st mammo wouldn't have been related...
I wish the person conducting the test could be more frank. I know they don't want to risk giving an incorrect viewpoint. I wish they could, at least, give an indication of a good or bad reading. Oh...
Very helpful to hear, Bev. Thanks for sharing....
I'm in the waiting mode, too. I am normally a positive person, but this has me fearing the worst, too. It's worrying about the kids that is so hard....
I'm 51 and really scared! Had a mammogram call back for changes seen since last mammo. I go back for the repeat mammo tomorrow. Had a CT scan which showed "enlarged, slightly modular uterus to 12 cm...