I found my DX! I guess it does actually say Metastatic....... Invasive Lobular Carcinoma .....Metastatic left breast cancer. 3/05 -I had a left modified rad mastectomy and left axillary sentinel...
Thank you for all the info! I'll try to find my Dr reports and see the exact wording of the diagnosis. I know that I had some tumors in nodes and the wording of results, and others, on those led me...
Thank you for replying Alcie and Bev! I did get lorazepam for anxiety, Alcie. It helps when I can't sleep. : ) What is metastatic disease as apposed to mets, Bev? I sorta thought it was the same...
Wow! That had to be hard to hear all that! I don't think they should have said anything except that it looks suspicious and that you need a biopsy appt. All the other might be true but they can not...
I forgot to say that I am a 7 year survivor. My dx said most likely metastatic but nothing has ever been found. I was so so that I was cured and now THIS! It is really throwing me for a loop and I'm...
In July my 27-29 was 49......then up and up every 6 weeks.....now it is 73. They wanted to know if I wanted to start scans or just check again in 4 weeks. I said check again in 4 weeks and also...