Danie, Thanks for sharing your experience with me. Do you feel better knowing, or is it worse? I think I will feel better knowing, that way I can make sure to get proper care....
I also take Lexapro and it has helped me so much! I have been taking it for almost 2 years now. I haven't gained any weight. I take mine after lunch every day. I used to suffer from insomnia but now...
Bev, Thanks so much for your response. I hadn't thought of that. My mom is doing great! She has hit her 6 year mark and is healthy and cancer free. I am going to look for a genetic counselor...
Thank you for your replies! I called my insurance company today and they do cover genetic testing in some instances. I will have to see my doctor first to get referred. I would consider getting a...
I am new here, this is my first post. My mother was diagnosed with dcis in 2000 (pre-menopause at age 42) with calcifications to the other breast. She opted for a mast. on both sides. I also have an...