Hi, Yes...i'm eating lots of bananas and taking some calcium as well. My flare is very mild, no blood, etc... My main symptoms are the muscle and joint pains, with fatigue. Based on everything I read...
Hi, I have been sick and undiagnosed for two years with muscle/joint pain and extreme fatigue. After seeing numerous specialists a potential glimmer of hope came about as I was diagnosed 10 years ago...
Hi, I was diagnosed with severe UC 10 years ago, but Asacol worked like a miracle drug and I recovered quickly with very few problems. After 2 years I came off the meds and didn't have any more...
Hi, Thanks for the responses. I have seen a rhuematologist twice and there was no evidence of arthritis. But this where i'm confused as my friend got information that they would not be able to...
Hi & thanks for reading. I have been on a search for a medical diagnosis for two years now since I became ill with extreme fatigue and muscle pain. The pain is in my legs, feet, groin area and hands...
Hey, thanks for the reply. I have been tested by my GP for Lyme's twice but it came back neg. Nothing further was pursued. I've never had a rash and haven't really been in a rural area...i live in...
Hi & thanks for reading...sorry for the length...but I don't want to leave out possible relevant information. Between 2005 and 2007 I had four "attacks" of symptoms that put me out of commission for...