one more question don't know if you have seen my update. do you have to feel pain to have lyme? Do you have to have an elevated white blood cell? Also how would I go about finding a lyme doctor in my...
Yeah they checked my thyroid but to what extent I do not know. You say there are many past posts but I cant seem to find any based on my searches. Any suggestions on looking? As well I have been sick...
Hello I have been experiencing some very weird symptoms and don't know where to turn to. I feel terrible 24/7 and doctors keep telling me it is anxiety. Firstly I will name off my body type,race and...
Hello! I am new here and actually made a profile because of you. As of today's date it is 2/25/2019 and you have not been active since last year. I am hoping for a glimmer of hope as I have been...