How does a person with CFS know for definite that it's not lupus? I have positive ANA since 1998 that never once has been negative. It's always 360. I have the rash on my face and other stuff....
Today I don't have the full burning as I did yesterday. The burning doesn't come till the very end. But yesterday I had the burning right in the beginning toward the middle. Does anyone have any idea...
I had blood in the urine about 3 weeks ago but the doc did a CBC and it came back all good. There was no UTI. So I will have to get another urine test because of the burning....
Ok. Thanks....
Can anyone tell me if you have burning when you urinate if you have protein in the urine? I had went for my yearly exm three weeks ago and had a urine speciaman. The only thing it showed was blood....
Thanks for responding back. I have one more question. September of last year it was 98. The range shows 50-136. 7 months later in April this year it was 101. Which wasn't much of jump. But when I...
Does anyone know what this is for? It's in my labwork and was wondering what function it has in the body?...
I don't have a UTI. It was ruled out on the speciman and I also don't have any symptoms at all. My eGFR has definitely been a big drop since 5 months ago. The BUN is also changed. I always have my...
I don't know if there's urine in the protein. The doc just mentioned the bleeding. I don't know about the RBC's either. I don't have any fluid in my feet. Nothing with edema or anything like that. I...
Hello. Thanks for e-mailing back. I wondered if you knew if this would be something with the kidneys? BUN--was always lower and it was 17 last year. Now it showed 20 and my normal range says 7-18....
I just had my yearly physical last week and my doctor found blood in the urine. She ran labwork. My question is, would this be a concern to send results to my rheumy? It has to do with BUN and also...