I'm very glad to hear that you are coming out of the 'crash' even a little bit, pasara, we're always happy for even the slight dawning of a better time, aren't we? I offer it as no 'cure', but a...
There is no 'CURE' for CFS, and after suffering with this illness for more than 26 years, I find those who tout them to be either uninformed or actively trying to make money with snake oil. Which are...
One comment I would like to make is that while CFS patients can become depressed by the circumstances they find themselves in, rarely do we suffer from what would be called clinical depression. There...
Thanks for the welcome, MsKittie, yes eating high sugar things is never a good idea, but particularly in a crash. That is when we need the best nutrition possible. Years ago it became a priority for...
jtravers1, it certainly seems possible that you may indeed be suffering from CFS. Unexplained severe fatigue that has gone on for five years along with some of your other symptoms should definitely...
Hi pasara, I'm new to the forum but not to CFS. This month is my 26th anniversary of becoming ill, though I'm not celebrating! I think one of the greatest weapons in our arsenal in fighting this...