ok well i got off my pain meds with much pain now i really know how much trouble i am in pain wise. I just got off the sub 4 days ago and back on norco . I am feeling so many withdrawls from the...
i must leave my current PM doc ( dont want to get into it) I am bascally a new member and need help. Is anyone from NY ?? i am looking for a new PM doc and need help . I have 5 herniated discs and...
I have done it so many times and every day got a little better. I am on a drug now called suboxone. IT takes away the withdrawl symptomes and helps with pain. It blocks the opoid receptors. You have...
hi there, i dont know when this was posted but i am now replying. Go back to the other meds. Opana is not working for you. I am on hydrocodone along with avinza (morphine) for my back and the avinza...
hi all, i found this website last night , i was hit by a drunk driver 14 years ago head on. I was in PT for 2 years on and off. Throughout the years i saw doctors here and there for help when i...