On April 27, 2010 I had the Mirena IUD inserted. It was excurciatingly painful. The next day I had an appt with my GP. I explained the pain, stabbing pain like I was sitting on a knife, Back pain...
So basically if the endo doesnt spread then my best choice would be getting the hysterectomy. All my endo has been localized to the omentum, unterus, right ovary with some on the left ovary. I'll...
I have had my endo burnt off in 99. I'm Canadian and Native, I have the insurance coverage I need, all I have to do is wait for the surgury. I've already been having hot flashes and crawly skin...
I'm 38 yrs old, overweight and my gyno has basically bullied me into my only option of Mirena to treat my Endo and Adenomyosis. I don't plan to become pregnant nor do I want children. I've been...