Reluctant Survivor, my apologies to have given the impression that I only read "part of your story". I read all you have written with keen interest. But my attention span at the keyboard is not up to...
Darkstar, well arne't you an interesting fellow! (I'm not sure why I think your a fellow as apposed to a gal, but I do) And I mean that. I enjoyed reading you. Articulate and interesting. Thanks for...
Yes, physiatrist, still not sure if my GP will have me see this one again or not. I have seen him twice in the past. It seems that around these parts, as we do not have any kind of pain clinic that I...
Decided against Z. Better not complicate things. Should know more later today. Thanks again, R...
Well guess why I'm up reading these posts at 10 pm when I get up at four am to see my wife off to work? Thats correct. Thanks for the mention of the pain journal. I think that is a great idea, I'd...
Well, my lady doc called this after noon. Very disapointing and in fact downright disturbing. She asked what was going on. I described my symptoms. (all the typical moderate withdrawal symtoms, plus...
I've been on narcotics for years for chronic pain, and boy as first the sleep thing really blew. I could sleep, but it was not deep restful sleep. Turns out this is fairly common, as any opoid...
I should introduce myself, as this is my first post. I been on chronic opoid treatment for chronic pain (pseudarthrosis of cervical spine, degenerative bone and disd disease) for 7 or 8 years, I...