Hi, I just e-mailed the moddy asking if they ever thought about having a section for stories..I mentioned in my last post that I was hurt esentially for a hamburger :) Yes, I find talking important...
Pamela et al, I am absolutely "blown away" by the booklet The Intractable Pain Patient's Handbook for Survival . Other than some procedural differences because I live in Canada, it talks about many...
Thanks for your replay. I am not particularily interested in the "why" but more to "how to deal with the pain..and the changes in your life". My therapist has drawn a blank..i don't find meditating...
Folks, I have been in long term pain (2 years) and have gone steadily up to the strongest pain killer that is available. My life will never be the same however, I do not morn for my past klife and I...