Thanks for all your responses. The place my doctor recommended is part of a teaching hospital, so I'm hoping they know something about dealing with fibromyalgia patients. Oh well, I won't know until...
Has anyone tried physical therapy or biofeedback? If so what has your experience been? My new Neurologist has recommended I try these things. Right now, I'm willing to try anything to get a handle on...
Right now I'm fed up with doctors. It just took my primary care physician and my rheumatologist over a month to diagnose my urinary tract infection. When I mentioned my symptoms to my rheumatologist...
Yeah I went to my rheumtologist and she gave me the Medrol. I'm not feeling any better today. The only med I am currently taking besides the Medrol is Cymbalta which works wonders on my mood but...
I have not been diagnosed with any other autoimmune disease and my doctor only suspects I have fibromyalgia. I have had chronic pain since I was 3 or 4 years old and have only recently gotten doctors...
Yesterday I woke up with the most unbelievable blinding pain. I went to my doctor and she said I was "just having a bad flair." Personally I find her use of the word "just" pretty hilarious. If I...
"Could you tell us more about the type of pain you have? Having it for 19 years means you would have been 3 years old when it started. Did something happen - an injury or some sort of trauma - when...
Hi I'm new to the forum and I joined because I'm at my wit's end. I'm 22 years old and have had chronic pain for 19 years. My most recent frustration is that my doctor believes that all my pain is...