Frenchdude - Yes, I'm about an hours drive from Toronto. Thanks you sharing your exeriences. It saddens me to hear about suddenly severe sleepyness. My line of work requires me to be on my toes at...
Thank you all so much. I hope some day soon to be able to share my GOOD experiences for a change!...
Thank you both very much for your responses. I hope Methadone will be my miracle drug too. Tony - "I had the same reservations as you; scared me spitless that I'd BECOME a heroin addict." Am I to...
I have been on Amitriptyline for over 5 years for migraine prevention. It does not touch the depression issues I have. I was weaning off of it so I could switch to Cymbalta, but I had a doctor tell...
Anyone here on that mix? I had one doctor say it was ok, and another say they have no clue. My research suggests it's not a good idea, but I am still curious about it....
Who here has had experience with it? Since my PM doc first mentioned it to me a few weeks ago, I have done a lot of research. At first I had major reservations. I thought methadone was just for...
Thank you all for your replies. My PM doc and I have decided to give Methadone a try. I will be starting a new post about it.....
What are your options? All I have left is Methadone... :(...
Oh, and thank you all for your responces. I am not doing anything against doctors orders. He encourages me to test my dosages because he knows how resistant I am. Example - he gives me meds at the...
I am a dog groomer. :) I love my job. I have been on modified work for almost a year now. Modified being small dogs only, so no heavy lifting or wrestling with stubborn big guys. I am on my feet all...
Can I ask what dose you are on? And how often?...
Hi everyone. I have been lurking for a while, and I feel for each and every one of you. I am 24 and have had major back issues for nearly 5 years. To date I am told I have bulging, herniated,...