Well, you should be honest..... to a point I have never been in your situation but honestly is great..... to a point you shouldn't lie but like you said you shouldn't tell them any more than they ask...
WoW Great news I've never heard of anyone getting it on the first try...... maybe you should of attempted the lotto that week lol Good news though and good for you *pats on back* took my dad three...
Thanks for the support, really I appreciate Linda, Tony, and Dani thanks for welcoming me ive been looking online for days on how to help, It's just hard to fatom. and Tony, thats good advice but my...
Hello, anyone reading this, my name is Levi, i have a father who when i was only 2 was robbed at gunpoint and shot 3 times inside a car. He survived, but barely, The bullets all hit his thigh and...