hi anice, if i could i would take some pain from you. i can offer some help by letting you know people here do care and somtimes can give you the power to maintain. two of these persons are PAlady...
still bad news for me. dr.s did a bladder scope while i was under. or the catherdor closed down a vein or passage way .can only urinate in trinkles which sometimes go in 2 dirrections. any time i...
/community/emoticons/redface.gif good-nite, one and all and I may see you in dreams tonite /community/emoticons/rolleyes.gif ...
hello everyone. last mon. was told i had very low "A'' type chem.in blood. they got a lot of the cancer out but there's about 5% cancerous cells hanging aroung waiting for me to get sick. Still...
hello everyone, I hope everybody is feeling well today. here's a little update on my condition, i am not quite as strong but will try to update. the r/kidney was removed, recovery is hard. very sore....
thanks PAlady, yes, I've been reading up on sleep apnea. i'll check some more. thank you dolemite...
well for the kind persons who know of my condition, you might be able to help with this new condition. as you know of my upcoming removal of cancerous right kidney. I am a professional guitarist and...
good morning everyone, good news to report, so far. r/kidney to be removed 06/16. does'nt look like cancer has spread. the down side is it's highly doubtful that the constant pain of arthritis in...
yes PAlady, on the 4th of may I will meet with dr.s to discuss the procedure and then I guess to set date, which will be soon after the 4th and I will also be thinking of you and everyone else here,...
to all my new friends, I would like to tell my experience just in case you know someone with similar problems.5 yrs ago it started. Pain in both knees, then tired sore legs that hurt even to the...
well, for all the kind people who offered their love and support to me i would like to report that PM did contact me and was truely sorry about my condition and he helped me with pain. I had thought...
PM office is now closed. he never even called. what a guy.!...
well, I called urologist this morn. to ask about CT scan report,was told the DR. was too busy to talk to me! still waiting on PM. should be soon. I am so stressed, pain is a 9. It is so easy to get...
thanks,bluejet2 I'll be on here tomorrow to let all you kind people know how things went. already got some good advice and more importantly, don't feel so alone! god bless you all...
thanks, PaLady, its really a blessing to talk with people who understand...
thanks for the advice. I was just worried because we had a hard time finding this norco 10/325. it was opana that didn't work,then norco 5 tablets a day, then it seem to not work, then morphin 30,5 x...
hello everyone. i need advice. after suffering for 5 yrs., i have been seeing pain dr. and have been on morphine then norco for about a year now. what a difference to be pain free. the problem is i...