I just went from methadone and oxycodone to opana ir and opana er.dont know why they refuse oxycodone but want us to take the opana,it is better in some ways but has more of chance for people to...
I have contacted the manufacturer and ask that they do a comparison test and quality check.I have seen some reports about medication recalls due to lethal and inactive meds.thought someone else may...
the 15mg is a 12 hr.dose and the 10 is every 4 to 6 hr.dose,I would think that the 10mg tab.would have worked much better than it did,thank you.I may have just been in allot more pain at the...
hi 22 yo female,have you tried mercaptopurine (6 mp) I took high doses of prednisone and mesallamene,flagyl,anucort and the supository messalo. flares bad,lost 20 lbs.and lots of blood,became...
hi snowbunny,I am the one that my friend was talking about,and thank you he is a good friend.I switched meds.live in Fla and becaws of the bad reputation of oxycodone the DEA has shut down 70% of the...
anyone switching to oxymorphone Hcl.(opana opana ER) and having trouble with the oxymorph.10mg tabs not working?...
:-) Hello,close friend has a disease that causes chronic pain.was taking methadone/oxycodone combo.This worked well.most of the time.only prob was the oxycod-30s many times felt like having some w/...