Thanx everyone! Its sooooooooo great to be back where I belong!!! My hope now is that CP patients WILL think twice about rehab facilites, and I just pray that they will find and use different...
Thanx so much everyone! I've been feelin pretty darn great for the past 3 days! White Beard, I'm so sorry for you, having to experience such ignorance from what's supposed to be one of the best...
Awww.... Thanx! To be honest, I havent even seen or talked to most of my friends or family yet! I just had to ge on here and post........
OMG! I can't believe I just finished a 7-day detox at the local rehab facility /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ....... I have to really admit that drug and alcohol rehab facilities are NOT equipped to...
Wow! I'm overwhelmed with relief. Thank you, everyone for all of your advice. Its so nice being in a place (this forum) where people genuinely care about you and your well-being. I can't say I've...
I am so stuck. I've been on painkillers for over a decade, and my tolerance is so much higher than it needs to be. I've had my dr. change my script , I've tried to taper myself and have even tried...
I've been shorted, but only at the big-chain pharmacies. I started taking my prescriptions to much smaller, family-owned and privitzed pharmacies, and have never had a problem since. I'm guessing...
/community/emoticons/wink.gif ...
Thats really nice of you to say. I'm sorry I come off so negative. Its just, instead of giving me lemons, life has been pelting me with them, and its hard to make lemonade when you hurt so badly from...
I feel like I was reading my life story as I read your reply..... How weird. (In a good way.) I agree. I wish docs could be trained to understand RSDS. It affects more people than I realized 10 years...
All of your constant love and compassionate words have been the only light in this very dark place where I've been for the past 2 months. Thank you. So much. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you....
I'm really sorry to here about your dog, Derik. That's an awesome name, though. Its weird. The more I think and daydream about it, I think, "There had to be something I could've done to prevent...
Thank you, everyone. As I wipe away the tears from my face from reading your replies, cares and concerns, I'm having this feeling.... I think its a feeling of relief. No one has said such nice things...
Thank you, everyone, for all of your love, compassion, and understanding. I'm taking all of your advice, and am trying so hard to put the pieces back together. I really need you guys and gals right...
Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I've been dealing with so much. The car accident and all the bills that follow; my dog mauling my arm very badly; and the constant pain and misery from the...
Hello and welcome! I just joined a couple weeks ago, and this forum and all its users are truly a God-sent. I'm sorry about your pain, and I can really relate to being young with chronic pain. I'm...
I can't help but to tear up every time I read these replies! I have never felt so accepted in my entire life. I am absolutely delighted and relieved to be surrounded by such wonderful people! Thank...
Wow! I never imagined that I would meet such caring, sypmathetic, and knowledgeable people like all of you. I'm so touched! Your compassion has brought me to tears! (In a good way, of course!) For...
Thank you so much. You've given me some really awesome advice. (I can use all the advice I can get.) It really feels as if I've exhausted all treatment options that are readily available to me in my...
Why is it that most competent doctors don't understand what RSDS patients are experiencing? I mean, come on docs. Just recently, I went to my D.O. (the same doc that has been treating my RSDS for the...