[i][color=#ff0000>I] [/i]...
I have also tried all the preventive meds to stop the migraines with NO help . Like topomax ext.. ...
/community/emoticons/wink.gif . I have been like this now for 8 years . I used to have a job and work out all the time . I [u]was a healthy woman . Now I am no longer that person.... I have had all...
[color=red>Hi] I also have servere muscle spasms in neck and shoulders, and muscle knotts .... [/i]...
/community/emoticons/eyes.gif I wander how many more years will I have to almost daily migraines and neck pain... Anyone else out there with the same ??...
I am a chronic migraine sufferer . I also have chronic neck pain w/ muscle tightness , muscle knots , which goes down to my shoulders . I do get depressed at times . The doctors cannot find anything...
I suffer almost daily from neck pain ( tightness , knots , muscle pain ) . It also goes into my shoulders . Leaving me with almost daily migraines . This has been going on for 8 years . I do feel...