I have been on 100mg remicade infusion for nearly a year now. Prior to this I developed chronic abscesses and fistulas in the rectal/genital region, but since the treatment of the remicade these...
My mother was switched to Opana 10 mg from Oxycontin 20mg today. The doctor advised her that he would start with 10 mg Opana and possibly proceed to 20 mg Opana to better control her pain. He stated...
9yrschronicpain Im sorry for the pain and suffering that your having to go through. I know all to well what this can be like and if your not already bi-polar or have depression etc. it can certainly...
I really appreciate the advice that all have given me. I have had to go on leave three different times regarding FMLA and Im in Texas. I will take your advice....
By the way, my mother contracted Aids from a blood transfusion when I was born. Luckily, I wasn't breast fead, thank the lord. Ironically, she did not find out that she had contracted the virus until...
Since being diagnosed with Crohns Disease in October of 2009, life has been a constant struggle for me as I'm sure some of you can agree. I'm 28 years old and have been working in the same career...
actually i had a fistula through the back of my soft penile tissue and then through the rectum....sucked majorly...
Last time I checked dilaudid ER was not available inside of the US as it was taken off of the market due to to much medicine (possibly fatal) being released at once when consumed with alcohol. This...
I take my extended release medication, along with my break through medication at the same time in the AM hours. Midday I'll take another break through med and then I'll repeat what I did in the AM at...
This is a perfect example of what a OBAMA PUBLIC OPTION medical plan would do to us who suffer daily....
Ive had all of these problems as well and as of current I had a major surgery down there for an abscess. My GI has finally convinced me to go on Remicade to fix these abscess/fistula problems. He...
Yes i think you should try some disposable/flushable wet wipes instead of using toilet paper. This is the approach my doctor has me taking at least for now, because i have had several abscess...
i know its been a while since ive posted but i wanted to update anyone who may have read my post before. its official that ive been diagnosed with crohns in the rectal area and again have underwent...
I know what TMJ is believe me! Ive had to deal with this horrific chronic issue since i was a small child. I clinch and grind my teeth badly at night so much that i snapped the dentist made dental...
Ok so since October of 2009 I have had three surgeries for abscesses and fistulas in the perianal area. The last one was five and a half inches deep (abscess) which protruded and adjoined to the back...
I am not a female, but I have had several abscesses and now fistulas down there since October 2009. I can totally relate to this and feel terrible that I haven't been able to satisy my wife. My pain...
The surgeon that I am and have used is a colorectal surgeon. I just saw him last week and he says that another surgery now is not in my best interest because he would have to rip me wide open and...
When yall refer to "skin tags", do you mean like a small wart or tiny growth? A friend of mine gets these from time to time and swears by apple cidar vinegear and tea tree oil, used in combination...
Ive had them with some help lasting only a month. I'll be getting more of them soon. dont' worry...
Im sure alot of people can relate. If you think your in pain now, then I would stop being negative. Stressing yourself out releases cortisol which can actually make things worse. It sounds like you...
Recent, I was prescribed dilaudid for chronic rectal abscess and fistula pain. I have learned that they manufacture Dilaudid suppository. Has anyone used the suppository form? Im wondering if it...
I was given Dilaudid oral for chronic abscess/fistula pain. After doing some research I found that they actually make this pain medication in a supposotory form. Has anyone taken this form? and if so...
You didnt mention what type of scope that you had done. Colonoscopy? Endoscopy? When a colonoscopy is done, from my experience they give the patient fentanyl which is an opioid narcotic and can cause...
Yes, I am going through almost the exact same situation as you are except I am a 28 year old male. They have not offerred me that "flap" surgery that you are speaking of. This mess sucks and can...
Inflammation completely gone after only a week on Remicade? Maybe yall are correct. It hard for me to know because I hadnt been on any antibiotics before now....
Im a chronic pain patient and have been for the past five years regarding ruptured disk that are pressing on the S1 nerve root. Also as of recent I have been in terrible pain with 3 peri-anal...
This is exactly what I was going to say regarding astrazeneca. Your age would also help in defining whether or not you qualify for other programs as well as marital status. There is tons of...
Thanks to all the replies from everyone. Yeah, they did take biopsies during the colonoscopy and everything came back negative. The weird thing is that I dont have the weight loss, the D, joint pain,...
By the way a good start for pain management is to contact your hospital and see which anesth./PMP that they are affiliated with. They should be able to give you several reputable doctors contacts....
Oh yeah! one more thing. On Thursday my surgeon scoped my rectum and said that the inflammation had subsided, so I'm guessing that is a good thing. I just wished I knew if the inflam. was a result of...
Thanks for each of the replies. Oddly enough this is the first time that I have been given antibiotics like flagyl since this all began in October. This will be my third week to be on the flagyl....
I also failed to mention that I have been dealing with a ruptured disk in my back that is pressing against the S1 nerve root. All of these things have caused me extreme chronic pain and the best...
Ok, so since October 2009 I began to get a peri-anal abscess that was drained under anesthesia in the hospital. The pain from all of these experiences are horrific! So then in January I began to...
First and foremost, anyone with pain from a particular disease should and can get their pain under control. My advice to anyone in chronic pain, is to go see a pain managment doctor/anesthesiologist...