My kids ( stepkids ) ang grand kids ( age 5-16 ) Live not far from u in Adielade ( sorry for the spelling ) . I do the mirror therapy daily . My daughter (28 ) lives about 1 1/2 hours away and we...
To answer some of the questions , Yes I have a P.M. , I am probably on my 4 by now , being on W.C.B. they like to send you to " ALOT" of DRs . I am on oxycodone IR . I live in Northern B.C. , but...
Thank you screaming eagle for yor welcoming reply. some of the medications they have me on are : Duralgesic patches ( basically morphine ) 200mg every 2 days Oxcy. 90 mg - as needed celebrex - 200mg...
I was diagnosed by 1 of 2 leading R.S.D specialists in Canada . I am new to forums or chats . Do not know what to say , or where to start , so please if there is any body out there with R.S.D. , or...