Thank you all for your support. I have not signed on in a bit because I am going through the stages of denial and avoidance, and then the stages of belief and acceptance. But I may have gotten good...
Thank you Laura, I think I want to try this treatment with a completely open mind, but I will gladly share my experience after. I am so thankful to have found this forum and am super thankful for you...
Hi tmjpain, I am going for my first calmare treatment tomorrow. I have RSD - six months in, in my left foot (started in my toe, now in my whole foot). I will let you know how it goes. Good luck. H....
Thank you everyone. All of your stories are so powerful and I am so glad I found this forum. I am trying to not let this disease rule my life, but as you all know, it is a hard thing to do. I have...
Betsey, I feel like a jerk, I didn't ask how things were now. I am sorry for being insensitive. Thank you for being honest. H....
Thank you for welcoming me.. I am so glad to be able to speak and be heard. Thank you. I do have a question that you, as an RN, may be more qualified to answer ... when the doctors gave me pain meds,...
Betsey Thank you for being strong enough to be honest.. I know that this will get harder with time, and my goal is to try to be an advocate as well. I appreciate your candor. My husband is trying his...
Is this a link to an interview with you? I am sorry if this is a stupid question, I am really upset right now, trying to keep it together, so I miss some obvious things sometimes. The corkscrew is...
Hi everyone, I don't know where to start besides saying thank you to those of you strong enough to be there and speak about your experiences and really follow through with communicating some...
Hi Jeanette, I am so new to this forum but reading your words I feel like I should reach out because I have had issues with family and especially with my husband understanding my pain. I was only...