8 months 14 days since L5-S1 surgery. Realized the surgeon was supposed to call to remind me about my 6 month appointment, but they never did. (they must have already gotten their money) Am still on...
Just an update. It's now been 84 days since surgery. Doc switched me from hydromophone to fentanyl patch and that has helped tremendously. Pain control is better and I'm not as groggy and spacey. I...
GrandmaRoses, did your bones actually fuse? Even if there is lots of pain, if they've mechanically fused the surgeon can say "tada!" How do you feel the hardware, you mean when you press on your...
Jane, I can't say mine has failed because it's so recent since the surgery, just 10 weeks. If I can find people who have had failed fusions, and they know why, then I can learn what to *not* do. The...
I'm wondering how many of you have had fusions that failed. If you did, were you able to identify why? Also, I looked at my MRI and x-rays, and it looks like my hardware is nest right inside a bunch...
Snowbunny, thanks for your input. You've given a far more succinct description of what has happened than the surgeon did. He wasn't really "familiar" with the shock-like pains. That sort of blew my...
Rose, Yes, getting Doc's input. Although my fear was realized last night. I was walking in the dark, got a massive shock, and hit the floor waking the whole house. Going in tomorrow to see if I...
I'm a 48yo male, a bit overweight, but not much, non-smoker, no diabetes, no other major health problems. I chose fusion as the last ditch attempt to repair lumbar damage which was causing increasing...