I don't want the 10 missing pills that seems like it could get me red flagged, I just worry about the other people this might be happening with,that's the only reason I was wondering if there was...
oh by the way, there is 1 new pharmacist and like 4 new tech, I have been on these pain meds for 10 mlems with themonths so far and never had a problem running out early until last time I filled...
my doctor is great and will listen to me me and my husband went there last week and told him I was 2 days short then too, but thought maybe I had misscounted out my daily doseges I thought something...
Also I was wondering if I should get a patient advocate to help me cause I also have anxity,ptsd and agoraphobia, and white coat symptoms. please any advice will help!!...
Myours later husband went to the pharmacy to get my medication, a couple of hours l went to put my pills in one of those pill sorter things and was 10 short. I called the pharmacy and he basiclly...
Thanks Susie, and Tina I called on Friday and after going to 2 app. yesterday both the GP and the Urologist are going to call the surgeon and see what is going on. If I don't hear from them by...
holly cow, I don't have "chronic pain" but going through some pain of my own waiting for surgery, I feel so bad that this is happening to people who live in pain every day. I feel lucky that I will...
I hope everything works out for you, keep posting so we one here know how it goes!! Please take care!!...
went to the gp today and he said not to worry anymore about getting pain med til they schedule my surgery, he said he will give them to me when I need and gave me a whole month supply and said if for...
I don't feel that way now it was something I went through over a year ago, and I know that I need to tell them just incase so they can help me right away.I am married to a wonderful man and have 3...
It worries me about it so bad, It's all I can think about,I am what I think of as a weak person when it come to pain and hurting. Not to mention that this is the 13 stone in my life only this one is...
oh no that wasnt what I ment by that I just don't know what the rules are for my GP, I don't have any intetion of needing meds other than now and post op. I live in New Hampshire and I didn't know...
I don't know there is only one surgen at the hospital that does it, so I don't know, I didn't even get to see him. like I said I left there more confused then I was before. When I called there on...
yes he and the urologist here in the town I live in, they both sent referals hoping to get something done asap, and yes he was the one that wrote the persciption for the pain, I have signed ever...
Nephrolithotomy that is what it is called they go in and take out the stone and In my case the part of the kidney that is damaged, so there is no other treatment they can do, I just have to wait and...
I don't eat bad now I use to then I wanted to get fit and started eating"clean" and working out, then I got sick, so I still eat healthy just not so much at the gym.The only thing I can get is the...
snowbunny my only hessitation is I tryed reading things about these type of meds on other sites, bad call, alot of the sites are about people with drug problems but I didnt know that till I was done...
I have another question, a little over a year ago they tryed to go in and get the stone and couldnt, they paced a stent and it caused me so much pain, I was on dilidid 8mg. and oxcodone 5mg every 4...
Thanks Sandi, I will call the pharmacy then and ask them, I do have enough to wait and call the Doctor on Monday, I didnt know I could call the pharmacy and ask them....
I did try He doesnt work on Fridays, so I'm going to call monday....
yes it only says 5/325 1-2 every 6 hours for sever pain, well the pain is sever and I waiting to hear from a bigger hospital as to when and how they are going to remove the stone as it has calsived...
Hi my name is Jamie I am a mother of 3 and have had multible kidney stones over the years this time I have a good sized one in what they call "the meat" of the kidney, they sent me to Dartmouth...
I don't they sent me to a bigger hospital yesterday which is 2.5 hours from my home, I read some where that if you dress nice doctors wont treat you like crap, after getting there,by the way I had to...
Thanks I have had a long couple of months,with 5 different antibiotics for a kidney infection, and the stone. I had to go 2.5 hours one way to the hospital today with a 2 year old in the car, only to...
Thanks, no I havent taken more at all, I just didn't know if it was for a month, or 2 weeks I have no clue.Like I said there is so much out there about pill abuse that I was worried about calling,...
If I call will they become "suspious" there is so many things I have read on-line about people being red flaged that I'm affaid to breath wrong at the doctors, I am awaiting kidney surgery threw my...
Hi I new to having to take pain meds everyday, so my question is if the doctor right you a percription of 45,5mg percocets to take 1-2 every 6 hours for sever pain, how long should they last me if I...