Thanks so much for your info. I'll talk to the dr....
Pineville is about five hours from New Orleans where I'm at. I've seen an immunologist in January and I'm sure it's one of the things she tested for along with lupus and a few other immune diseases....
I've only had what the doctors have ordered and I've never been anywhere that I would have picked up Lyme disease....
I have had to show an ID for any controlled substance for at least 7 years here in Louisiana at any pharmacy. I am using Walmart right now so I do not know what Walgreens procedures are. Heere in...
I only see her for meds too. Once so many psychologists were around they basically quit counseling. I personally do not like therapists but some people swear by them. I am on trileptal and prozac and...
Hi I am Cryssy and I have posted on some of the other forums but I am newly dx with MS. Over the years, I am 31 by the way, I have been dx bipolar, chronic pain, chronic migraines, and fibromyalgia....
I do not know the technical cause of auras that precede migraines but I get them too. Sometimes it's blurry vision sometimes it's double vision and I could go on. Not everyone experience aura but I...
Sometimes it can also be attributed to the medications that you are on. I've tried several medications after a while become "stupid pills." What I mean by that is they make you forget things and be...
From what I understand the MRI has to be done with contrast for them to see the gray spots on your brain but I could be wrong. If it is necessary I am just wondering why the insurance would not cover...
I was exactly where you are at with spending money and the emotional affair in 2010 and I was already on medication it just was not the right medication. Over the years I have tried many meds but...
They really sound like tension headaches. You may need a muscle relaxer for those extra bad days, not to condone prescription drug use, bot I know from experience too much tylenol is not a good...
Your symptoms sound a lot like mine. I have had a full MRI from my brain and my spine, which your PCP should order for you so you have it already when you see the neurologist. You will need to see a...
Have you ever been diagnosed with bipolar? When I get manic or hypo manic I go through the same thing. Crazy dreams and no sleep. Do you take a sleeping medicine? Mania can really make your mind...
Hi wolflover! I wish you luck. Yes I was a gymnast from 3-17 then moved on. But I think it has a lot to do with my many issues....
Thanks again everyone. Today my headache and pain neuro specialist told me I need to self counsel. Tell myself it's not the worst pain each time because I can't live my life around the pain. While I...
Thanks everyone. I just started reading up on pain management laws and came to the realization that with the new state and DEA crack down on doctors my life ahead of me will be destined to be...
Your post tugged at my heart especially because of your age. I just wanted to let you know to hang in there and find peace in the little things. I would keep trying to find someone in your area and...
Thank you UA. This site has been very welcoming and a wealth of information....
My personal opinion only because I am not a medical professional but I do not think the alcohol will affect the antibiotics. Just pick back up where you left off. Good luck....
Hi Meema, I'm new here too and have enjoyed learning from people here. It seems to be a really great place. Welcome. Cryssy...
Living Color and Purgatory thank you so much for replying and concern. It feels nice to talk to others who care and who understand. I'm so young and just beginning my pain management in a city with...
Thank you David. I just needed to find people like me. No one around me even my own husband understands the pain I'm in. My three kids don't understand why their mom is in bed all day. It's just...
Hi everyone I'm Cryssy and have been diagnosed with Bipolar I, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and migraines. I'm grasping at straws right now to get out of this pain. I have a decent PM neurologist and...
Quitting psych meds, especially Lithium, will make you super ill. All of your symptoms are withdrawal. If you can afford it I would go to the er to get meds to combat the withdrawal symptoms and call...