Hi Jeeves, I would speak to your doctor or a specialist about pain relief that is stronger than over the counter, they'll know about your condition and shouldn't consider it you attempting to get...
http://physioworks.com.au/injuries-conditions-1/scheuermanns-disease is the best way for me to explain it....
Hi figsk8, Thank you for your kind words :) He is feeling a lot better, the dr put him on some other meds since he got out of hospital just for a few weeks but he's feeling good. I am taking care of...
Hi everyone, I couldn't find a topic for scheuermann's disease and thought I would start one to discuss this with other sufferers, perhaps share advice, etc. I was diagnosed with SD in 2005 when I...
SupportiveMom, I checked out Sara's youtube channel and that was very interesting! (also came across a few related videos that were very informative and entertaining). Thanks again for the advice!...
Thank you both SO much for all the advice and links, truly very very helpful :) I'll be sure to check out the youtube channel and post you provided, SupportiveMom, as soon as I get home from work...
Hi new to the forum!! Recently I got in a long distance relationship with a guy that has Crohn's. I went and met him last week and unfortunately he had a flare up during my short stay. I knew about...