No but they won't cover me unless I sue him for child support or unless I pay him child support. Its tricky the way they do it but they say they want you to pursue all possible means of income before...
My sons father actually carries his insurance. He just doesn't help with the cost of supplies. I live in Florida and I don't know about the Medicaide here. Im planning on looking into it and applying...
Thank you thank you thank you to the person that edited my post. It is oh so very much appreciated. And I have found that even though they call it affordable health I certainly can't afford it. I...
If you're willing to split it up for me I would greatly appreciate it. Im currently trying to apply for health care coverage and typing right now causes me considerable pain. It would be a blessing...
Thank you for that... I will remember it for the future considering I think I'll be posing often considering Im just now starting on trying to recover...
*Update* Went to the doc today and as I said before I have to go to a government funded clinic. The only help they can really give me is physical therapy. She told me that I need an MRI but I would...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif First, thank you for such a quick reply. Ok in regards to medicare, I have applied in the past and I was turned away. When I first divorced from my sons father our...
Hi. I am new to this site and I could use some answers. In 1997 I was involved in an MVA. I broke my right femur left ulna cracked my skull bite my tongue in half and apparently damaged my neck. I...