Hello. I was put on Fentanyl patch about a week ago. I cannot get these damn things to stick to me. They'll stay on for like 6 hours. Then half of it will peel up. Only half though. I am not sure if...
Having pain is such a curse. I never have understood how truly awful it is. The fentanyl seems to be helping for now, but I feel significantly messed up and I am not a fan of it . I want to hangout...
Thank you for your reply. I'm the most miserable I have ever been and it is just unbearable. Does the fentenyl help you?...
Hello, my name is Annah. May 18, 2013, I was in a terrible longboarding accident. I broke my jaw in 3 places, and all breaks were displaced. I also knocked 5 of my teeth out, and suffered a traumatic...