nike really does such belts? --- I used to wear a type of weight lifting belt made by Nike, it has a Velcro adjustment on the front and the back has hard plastic rods to prevent it bending like those...
there is a big difference between support belts (mostly for sportsmen and minor muscle strain) and snogg belts. the last one heats & supports, and goes for pain relief caused by injuries, traumas and...
is it trustable to go for TV drug ads?...
sometimes slings are better solutions, but after using them pain is persistantly terrible....
by the way - is it good to use slings to carry kids while having back pain?...
the thing is snogg belt - which i prefer for my back pain - is more about relaxation & heating rather than supporting. it does provide good support though, but to me - it's more about pain relief. i...
so i guess they know this side effect......
Wow, I had no idea that there where so many negatives on the use of these common, in the construction industry world, waist belts. More than half the guys on my old crew used the soft waist belts all...
that's what all forums and doctors say - no more than 3 hours per day for back belts. i prefer 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour before bed. works best for me....
saw those foam rollers for low back muscle relaxation. do they work?...
thanks. i heard about this. would 2-3 hours a day be ok?...
oh-h, there are nature's miracles still exist. far from saying pain's gone for good, but what a relief. amazing......
not many docs do encourage non-traditional treatments, though......
thanks Alcie. snogg is a firm belt, it does both heating and very good support, so wrong moves and turns are impossible. almost 24 hours in it now, feel much much better. will go to doc as soon as he...
I just wanted to throw my experience out. Soooo many people are having great results from using waist belts. My dad goes for regular support belt, my husband is into snogg belt and he basically lives...
if you workout - try foam rollers. if you don't workout, try relaxing snogg waist belt. both do the same: help relax low back muscles and joints, increase blood circulation and metabolism, thus...
have you tried tourmaline biomagnetic belt?...
sorry, didn't mean to. i just wonder how little we know and willing to know about nature's remedies......
what about snog then?...
one more thing on this: Negative Ion (Anion): an atom (or molecule) that has gained one or more extra negatively charged electrons. Negative ions are naturally generated by evaporating water, ocean...
and the snogg therapy itself takes 40-60min, i do it twice a day. wish could do more......
Sure. i have knee pain since i remember myself. they are occasional but severe. and i was researching both medical ways of treatment and alternative medicine. I find natural characteristics of snogg...
i found an interesting article on GlobalHealingCenter site about snogg tourmaline effects: "snogg tourmaline produces a detoxifying, cleansing effect on the nervous system, as well as the organs and...