Yes......I cannot work out how to come straight onto here...perhaps you would guide me....many thanks...
I cannot work out how to follow this thread on here. Not ever used forums before. I know I wrote earlier on this month but cannot follow it up. :-(...
Hello all, here I am week 11 post op and it's still quite a journey. I am about to have my final B12 injection (no change to symptoms) and am still have the most bizarre neuropathic pains throughout...
OMG so many grammatical errors and spelling errors. Need to edit before submitting next time. Sorry...
Thanks you Aussie, the encouragement is welcomed. The GP gave me the amatriptalyn to take at night (10 mg) to relax the muscle only and aid a more restful sleep. TBH I am taking 29 mg to be of any...
Hello to all on here, as a first timer on here let's start with offering my apologies if I use terminology anybody is not familiar with. I am from the UK and things (medicines etc.,) are somewhat...