They gave me the ok to return to karate....
well its swollen but its been a little swollen ever since I had the operation. Not too bad though, just a little. Also this is the first really cold day we've had for months, I'm thinking maybe its...
I do Karate once a week. They make us do this thing called suicide runs. Basically you have to run halfway across the dojo, touch the ground, run back, touch the ground again then run all the way to...
I want to quit drinking (I usually have around 6-8 beers every night) I want to get off olanzapine because it is making me fat. I weighed only about 82kgs before I started taking it but now I weigh...
Hello Just started today I have been fine for the last 2 months, pain wise but now I'm getting this pain all around my ankle. I had an operation to my fibula and a few other parts around my ankle...
ok but whats with the light becoming dim and tunnel vision? sometimes i think its psychosis but as soon as i go away from the situation it stops....
well I have generalized anxiety disorder but when im not at home its like my confidence decreases, I get this weird spin out feeling like the lights become dim and tunnel vision but at the same time...
Hello well i do Karate once a week but most of the time i say almost nothing and i cant tell if its because of my anxiety or because I just have no stories to tell. Its starting to get to me and i...
I know when i go out that there is a %20 chance that i will get a panic attack especially in waiting rooms but i still go anyway....
Hello I have being taking Olansapine for about 1 year now, it works great but I have put on about 20kgs. Should I be worried also i seem to be putting more and more weight on I also go for walks and...
Well I have to get surgery again for my ankle but I also have anxiety disorder and when i have to fast I really hate it because you're not allowed to drink water but water is the one thing that helps...
Hey guys I have to get surgery again to get all the screws and plate removed from my ankle and leg but am wondering will it hurt as much as the first time when i had all the hardware put in when i...
well that want me to go back to the Hospital at the end of October to get an xray while standing on my bad ankle and if they're happy with the result I should be allowed to walk again but I also have...
ok its not painful anymore but now I'm bored out of my brain because i cant do anything lol....
about 1 year and a bit, I'm orange tip...
nah I did it during Karate training, I went to kick someone during sparing, he blocked it then i slipped and somehow rolled it really bad....
its actual pain, it comes and goes but when it comes its constant until I take some pills and elevate my leg and have it in a certain position for a while then it slowly goes away. I saw the Doctor...
ok i might go see the doctor, the pain gets pretty severe like 9/10 it feels like someone is slicing the side of my leg with a knife and hitting my foot with a hammer which is weird because its my...
Hello I had surgery a few weeks ago and after 12 hours it really started to hurt bad and now they wont give me any more 10mg Endone for pain relief because they said I will get addicted so they only...