Hi guys. Today is mother's day and as my side of the family, including my own mom, has cut me out of their lives, today is very hard. I just wanted to let you know that I am following through with...
Wow. My primary doctors office just called back and I told the nurse everything that has happened at my PM docs office and that they kicked me out. I told her that I didn't know the office was...
Yup. That witch targeted me. They are no longer prescribing my pain medicine for me. Cut me off completely. Because SHE, not my doctor, but the PA decided to and she's not even my PA. I'm done with...
Hi Candy Apple! I am so glad that you have a PM doc that believes and supports you. That has to be huge in feeling validated and that you aren't making things up. I had the RA test done and I was...
Pitmom- I have to say that I disagree about being off on my pain med count. They (she) will definitely kick me out of the practice. I hate saying it, but I still will never be honest again with any...
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as well as all of the people of Houston. Your husband's work should understand why he is unable to make it in if they have any brains at all.. It...
I've had the facet joint injections but since I don't get my period anymore due to an uterine ablation, I'd have to agree with 1 day at a time that it is contradicted in pregnancy. Google it. You...
Just as everybody else has said, you are not the only one who blames themselves for their pain, mental exhaustion and not being able to do the things you used to be able to do. I am also very guilty...
Pitmom- Thank you for your kind words. I replied to your post and again, I must have not been signed in, but I just want to thank you again for your post. It meant a lot to me and your words helped...
I apologize for the long delay in filling all of you in with my newest and latest issues. I had my appointment with my GYN and between my pain, the fibroids, the blood pocket in the wall of my...
I have to say that I am more than pleased that I have found this forum. More than that, all of you wonderful people! :) After dealing with my 'side pain' for over 18, 19 or however many years it has...
Hello all! I got all my results from my heart tests. I have Left Bundle Branch block (LBBB) and also some of my heart valves are not working properly. But the good news is that both the valves and...
I am leaving the decision to my boys if they want contact our not. The only thing I am telling them that everything that has happened is not their fault and if they want a relationship, I would...
I was thinking about my last post just a few minutes ago while getting my son on the bus and I felt the need to explain why I am so grateful to have all of your support. Ever since I was little, my...
I'm so glad that I found this forum. It is such a relief to be able to say what ALL my issues are without being judged, laughed at, not believed or being called a hypercondriac. This forum is great...
Finally home from all appointments and errands today. Here's the update.. I had an EKG and an Echo done and I'm wearing a heart monitor for the next two days. The paperwork I got when I left (the...
Hi all! I wanted to ask for some good luck from all of you wonderful people. I was in the hospital again (April first)/after being there on the 21st and the 23rd. I'm asking for luck because on top...
I am so frustrated. I just wrote a huge post on what's going on lately and when I hit submit, something went wrong and my post is gone. As it's now 3:13 in the morning, I'll try to rewrite everything...
Hi all. I didn't want to just disappear since all of you have been so wonderful and helpful but I'm not doing good at all right now. I'll write again hopefully tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day...
Good morning all of you wonderful people that have been helping me here! I think my statement about contently being stuck in bed wasn't exactly what I meant. It feels like I'm always in bed and yes,...
Thank you straydog for adding the paragraphs. It does make it easier to read! I will make sure they are there from now on!! Pitmom- My heating pad helps some (I end up using it literally for days at...
Hello all! I am new here so I hope I'm doing this right. I have over 40 doctor certified medical issues and I am only 38. I'm not going to bore you with them all but just a few of the important ones....